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Thursday 28 May 2015

On 05:01 by Nations Connect   No comments

The Lagos state government has cancelled restriction of movement during Saturday May 30th environmental sanitation exercise in the State.
While announcing the cancellation, the Commissioner for Environment, Tunji Bello said the cancellation is to enable residents of the state participate fully in all activities lined up to celebrate the inauguration of the president-elect Muhammadu Buhari and the Lagos state governor elect, Akinwunmi Ambode. 
"The Lagos State Government has cancelled restriction of human and vehicular activities during the May monthly sanitation coming up this Saturday as the state prepares for the swearing-in/inauguration ceremony of the new governor. This cancellation is to allow for a hitch-free swearing-in and inauguration coming up both in Lagos and Abuja. The restriction of movement was lifted in order to allow full participation of our people during the state and national inauguration ceremonies. The restriction of movement was lifted to also allow easy transportation of fuel from the various tank farms from Lagos to other parts of the nation, as well as allow normalcy to return to our roads. The next edition of the cleaning exercise will come up in June.”he said
On 04:51 by Nations Connect   No comments

President Elect Buhari, pictured above as he arrived the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport  at 5.20am.

Photo credit: Bayo Omoboriowo
On 04:40 by Nations Connect   No comments

20-year-old aspiring football player from Afikpo North, Ebonyi State, Jacob pictured above has been arrested by the Lagos state Police command for killing a mechanic, Moruf Sanni by stabbing him to death over an arguement regarding age difference at Iwaya,Yaba on Monday May 25th.


According to reports, the victim, Moruf had an argument and a fight with someone in his area simply identified as 'Somebody', over who was older on Sunday May 24th. The fight was  then settled by the elders in the area.

Angered by Moruf's claim that he was older and was not going to give him respect, 'Somebody' contacted his friend, Jacob to teach Moruf a lesson.

Jacob accosted the deceased in his compound and didn't teach him a lesson but stabbed him repeatedly on the neck and head and killed him. He was arrested by the residents of the area who witnessed the incident and chained to the corpse. 

Father of the deceased, Mr Lukman, who is a taxi driver, said he had gone in search of fuel and as he returned, a neighbor ran to his house to inform him that somebody was fighting his son
“Somebody ran to my house. He said a strange man was fighting with my son. I immediately rushed there, only to see the corpse of my son. The suspect was tied to my son’s corpse. I simply thanked him for killing my son and walked away.”
The victim's mother according to a relative of the deceased lost her mind immediately she saw her son's corpse because the deceased was the second son she had lost. 
 “February 20 of this year made it exactly 3 years that the first child of the family was killed. A police stray bullet hit him when the police came to look for some hoodlums. So, when this one happened again, their mother just ran away and has not been seen since then.”the relative said
A police source  who spoke on condition of anonymity said the suspect when interrogated gave a different version of events.
 “He said they went for a birthday party on Sunday night and it was there they had a disagreement. The following morning, he confronted Moruf and the deceased then brought out a knife which he collected from him. He said Moruf then got a bottle and it was while he wanted to block him from using it that it mistakenly stabbed him in the neck.”the police source said
The father of the deceased has asked for his son's body for burial but the corpse has been deposited at a mortuary while the police says they are investigating the matter.

On 04:38 by Nations Connect   No comments
Passengers received a scare when a Singapore Airlines Airbus A330-300 dropped 13,000ft after both of its engines failed in mid-air on a recent flight.
As the  plane made an unexpected descent the pilots followed ‘operational procedures’ and managed to restore power to both Rolls-Royce Trent 772 engines, Singapore Airlines said in a statement.

Flight SQ836 was carrying 182 passengers and 12 crew members, when the jet engines lost power 3.5 hours into Saturday’s 5 hour flight.
The pilot said:
'Both engines experienced a temporary loss of power, although one engine returned to normal operations almost immediately.
'The pilots followed operational procedures to restore normal operation of the second engine by putting the aircraft into a controlled descent, before climbing again.
'The flight continued normally to Shanghai and touched down uneventfully at 10:56pm local time. 
Singapore Airlines said no ‘anomalies’ were detected in either of the engines when they were 'thoroughly inspected and tested' upon arrival in Shanghai, and that it is investigating the incident with Rolls-Royce and Airbus. 
Data from and a report in the Aviation Herald revealed the plane was cruising at 39,000ft over the South China Sea, about 162 miles from Hong Kong, when it ran into trouble.
The plane dropped to 26,000ft before power was restored, and climbed back to 31,200ft before it made its normal descent and landed safely in Shanghai about one hour and 40 minutes later, the report said.
The plane later took off to return to Singapore after a two-hour delay, the Aviation Herald reported.
The Air Accident Investigation Bureau of Singapore said it has been informed and is taking the lead on the investigation. 
On 04:31 by Nations Connect   No comments

This is what the IV sent out for the inauguration tomorrow looks like. Spotted it on Twitter. Have you gotten yours? :-)

On 04:21 by Nations Connect   No comments

Zahra and her Brother Pictured with their Dad as he arrived back in Nigeria this morning.

On 01:57 by Nations Connect   No comments

Edo State Governor, Adams Oshiomhole yesterday came hard on the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala over the lingering fuel scarcity and her claims that oil marketers were presenting fraudulent oil subsidy claims for payment.

Speaking at a function, the Governor queried the Minister for speaking up about the falsification of claims by the oil marketers just few days after the government in which she is a minister will be leaving office. He said the Minister should take sole responsibility for any discrepancies recorded in the subsidy claims and in the Economy as a whole.

"It is quite intriguing that with barely few days left in office, she has suddenly woken up from her slumber to realize that oil marketers have all along been falsifying subsidy claims and defrauding the nation of billions of naira and dollars. The question to ask is: how come that it is now, for the first time, that we are hearing from the Minister of Finance about fraudulent claims by the oil marketers amounting to billions of Naira? At what point did the Minister of Finance and CME realize that these fraudulent and similar claims are going on? When did it start? Is it just recently or it has been going on all along? These questions are pertinent because we know that if the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) were doing its work diligently, all claims by oil marketers would be vetted on a daily basis before their payments are processed by the Ministry of Finance. Hence, there should be no dispute about the amount due to oil marketers at any point in time.
What the foregoing, therefore, suggests is that all along, PPPRA, the Ministry of Finance and the oil marketers have been involved in an unholy alliance, in the mismanagement of the fuel subsidy regime and in the process defrauding the nation of its revenues. The recent nationwide fuel and energy crisis, adjudged the worst in the economic history of Nigeria, is merely a reflection of the gross mismanagement of the economy which characterized Dr. Okonjo-Iweala’s tenure since 2011"he said
He said the Price water Cooper's audit report on the NNPC revealed “massive abuse of public trust and stealing of our common patrimony in high places under her watch and the government she serves”.comments:
On 01:54 by Nations Connect   No comments

This man was struggling to enter BRT bus this morning because he was already late to work but unfortunately he fell from the bus and got badly injured. See the pic after the's a little graphic

On 01:48 by Nations Connect   No comments

The police department in Slidell, Louisiana tackled the issue of homelessness on their Facebook page last week in a very unapologetic way, highlighting a specific incident that happened this week. 

"Transients, also known as beggars or homeless, are often a hot topic of debate for Slidell residents. There are people who feel these individuals all need to be arrested. Some feel they should offer help. Literally, every day, someone either calls Slidell Police or sends us a message on Facebook asking us to do something about this problem.”

The post describes a man, 59-year-old Franklin Jones, who reportedly begs at the intersection of Gause and Interstate 10, according to WGNO. Police can’t arrest Jones because begging isn’t a crime. But on May 21, Jones was spotted stumbling into the road, urinating on the side of the road and he allegedly stole a shopping cart, police said.

Upon his arrest, police found over $800 in his pockets.

Here’s an excerpt from the post:
We continue to offer help, but when you can make $800 in less than a week by “begging”, some people say, “Why get a real job?” We’ve found jobs for people. We’ve offered assistance by bringing some of these individuals to rehab facilities. Bottom line is, it’s up to the individual person if they want help or not. All we can do is guide them in the right direction. We can’t force people to do things…
Slidell Police does their best to address these issues by following the letter of the law and ensuring that no one’s rights are violated. There is no easy solution to this problem, and quite frankly, it is a much bigger and deeper issue than a strictly a police matter. We hope this sheds some light for our Slidell residents and hopefully answered any questions or concerns about this issue.
Some responded in support of the post, while others blasted police for publicly shaming the man.
On 01:42 by Nations Connect   No comments

 A LIB reader tells the story. Read below :

Woke up to the noise of students from IMO hall of the Mambila hostel of Kaduna Polytechnic, main campus, screaming out loud, saying 'throw him down'. Seems he walked into a room which wasn't his and tried to move phones of the occupants, and he was caught, he got some really good beating tho. When he was asked by someone who recognised him as Stainless, he said he was on his "trips" which means he was under the influence and he forgot his room and walked into the wrong room. After a lot of beatings, the dean of Student Affairs came to pick him up at about 1:40am and said he would handle the issue.

On 01:37 by Nations Connect   No comments

A young Ghanaian girl identified as Blandine (pictured above) was on May 25th electrocuted to death after the power bank she was using to charge her phone got stuck on her skin and electrocuted her. According to reports from Dumsor, Ghana, the girl was chatting with a friend when she fell asleep and placed the power bank she was using to charge her phone around her breast region. She had connected the power bank to an electricity source so it can charge when power is restored. As power was restored to her area, their was a power surge, the power bank got heated and got stuck on her skin, electrocuting her to death. Her parents found her dead. So sad.

On 01:12 by Nations Connect   No comments

During the Federal Executive Council valedictory session earlier today, President Jonathan said his administration has witnessed various degrees of political manipulations, particularly the ASUU strike which according to him is one of the longest strike ever as well as the recent fuel scarcity which he said is a clear act of Sabotage. He said if it wasn't a case of Sabotage, how come the strike by the marketers happened just few days before the end of his government. He said the actions of the marketers was clearly to bring his government to its knees.

On 01:06 by Nations Connect   No comments

President-Elect Muhammadu Buhari and VP-elect, Professor Yemi Osinbajo will be led on a facility tour of Aso Rock by President Jonathan and Vice President Namadi Sambo today May 28th. This is part of the procedures leading to the handing over ceremony which takes place tomorrow May 29th.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

On 04:14 by Nations Connect   No comments


Mum to Get $2m From US Govt For the Beating Death Of Her 5year Old Daughter By Former Soldier Father.

The U.S. government will pay an Atlanta woman Tarshia Williams (right) $2 million for the Hawaii beating death of her 5yr old daughter at the hands of a former soldier in 2005. Talia Williams (left), died after she was beaten by father Naeem and stepmother Delilah. The man kicked the little girl so hard he left a boot imprint on her chest. The woman sued the US Army for failing to protect the girl from her father and she won the case. She is now getting $2million. Read full story after the cut...

Naheem and Delilah
From AP

The settlement amount was announced Tuesday at a brief hearing in federal court in Honolulu.
Tarshia Williams filed the lawsuit against the government over the 2005 death of her daughter, Talia. The lawsuit, filed in Honolulu in 2008, claimed the military didn't report to the proper authorities that Talia's father and stepmother "abused and tortured" her throughout the seven months she lived in Army housing in Hawaii.
"I will never have complete closure because my daughter is gone," she said by phone after the hearing. "And all the abuse she went through, I will never get over that. My healing will never be complete."
In what was the first death penalty case to go to trial in the history of Hawaii's statehood, Naeem Williams was convicted of murder in his daughter's death and sentenced to life in prison without possibility for parole.

Talia's stepmother, Delilah Williams, testified against her husband as part of a deal with prosecutors for a 20-year sentence. She provided disturbing details of abuse that included withholding food for days at a time, keeping her out of school to hide from others the physical signs of beatings and whipping the child while she was duct-taped to a bed.

Talia died July 16, 2005, after prosecutors say her father dealt a blow so hard it left knuckle imprints on her chest.

The settlement brings some relief because it ends years of litigation and prevents Tarshia Williams from having to return to Hawaii for a nonjury trial that was scheduled for June, she said.

"I just been through it last year," she said of testifying at the murder trial and sitting through graphic accounts of what Talia suffered. "I don't have to go through all the things that happened to her all over again. It will always be in my mind. It will never go away."
At Naeem Williams' trial, she testified that the last time she saw Talia was when the child left South Carolina to live with her father in Hawaii. She said the last time she spoke to Talia was by telephone on July 2, 2005.
The settlement has been approved by the Justice Department and will be paid in about six to eight weeks, Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Helper said in court. He declined to comment after the hearing.
Tarshia Williams and her Honolulu attorneys want to work on federal legislation that that would require the military to directly report child abuse to state child protective services, said one of her attorneys, Mark Davis.
"We hope that what may come out of this case are some fundamental, systemic changes," Davis said. "There were so many opportunities that were missed to try to remove this child from this toxic environment."
A judge's 2010 ruling noted some of those missed opportunities, including one on June 29, 2005. "The military police responded to the Williams' home, but despite finding Talia, 'naked and mute, in a room standing near feces on the floor' and thinking 'something did not look right,' no reports were ever made to CPS," said the order by U.S. District Judge Alan Kay in allowing the lawsuit to move forward.
"She would be about 15 now," Tarshia Williams said. "She would be in high school."
On 04:04 by Nations Connect   No comments

President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari who is currently in the UK on a private visit, will be returning to Nigeria tomorrow May 28th ahead of his inauguration as President on Friday May 29th.

According to Thisday, Buhari will arrive Nigeria on-board a British Airways flight scheduled to land at about 4am tomorrow in Nigeria. He'll arrive in company of former President Shehu Shagari who is currently in the UK on a private visit as well.

Buhari overthrew Shagari who is Nigeria's first Democratically elected President, in 1983. During his six day visit to the UK, Buhari met with UK Prime Minister David Cameron where both men felicitated with each other on their victories at the poll.
On 03:59 by Nations Connect   No comments

Hilarious! Check out a congratulatory ad seen in Vanguard this morning for Rivers State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi as he turns 50 today.

On 03:51 by Nations Connect   No comments


Two Helicopters spotted flying over with a Nigerian flag. This was taken around Iddo.

On 02:55 by Nations Connect   No comments

A bicyclist,Yoel Rubio made the bizarre discovery on Tuesday morning when he was riding his bicycle along a bayou path, when he saw the casket. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Rubio said.  “It was crazy.”

This happened near Keegan’s Bayou in southwest Houston.  Police believe stormwaters lifted the casket out of the ground from nearby Riceville Cemetery, then carried it about 100 yards.

After unsuccessfully trying to move the casket out of the middle of the path, Rubio called police.

They say a woman’s body was found inside.  The medical examiner is trying to confirm the identity.

Riceville Cemetery is owned by Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist Church on South Gessner Road.

Deacon Reginald Fields says members have been buried there since 1989.

He says the body belongs to a female church member who died seven or eight years ago.  “It’s disheartening when you have a situation like this,” Fields said.  “Nobody wants to come eight years later to relive someone’s death.”

Fields says he is waiting to hear back from the medical examiner to find out if the body will need to be placed in another casket.  He says he has been in touch with the family of the deceased woman.
On 02:50 by Nations Connect   No comments

President Jonathan to Formally Dissolve FEC today.

President Jonathan will today formally dissolve the Federal Executive Council ahead of Friday May 29th handing over/inauguration ceremony. At the Federal Executive Council meeting which is to commence by 11am today, President Jonathan will speak on the achievements of his administration while the Ministers will highlight the achievement in their ministries as well as share on their experiences while serving as Ministers. President Jonathan will leave the Villa on Friday Morning for his Hometown Otuoke, Bayelsa State.
On 02:39 by Nations Connect   No comments

Man 47 year old commercial motorcycle rider (okada rider), Ajayi Olatunbosun has been arrested by the police for allegedly hiring thugs to pour acid on his ex-wife, Bamidele Otakiti, at her shop on Adejobi Street in the Ajasa Command area of Lagos. sends thugs to pour acid on estranged wife in Lagos 

According to a report by Punch, it was gathered that everything had been fine between the couple who moved to Lagos in 2005 and had 3 children, until they had a quarrel a few months ago which led to their separation in February, 2015.

It was learnt that the suspect, prior to the divorce, had on several occasions accused Otakiti of adultery, however, despite his belief of her cheating, he had pleaded with the woman not to divorce him.
It was laernt that both men had visited Otakiti’s shop on April 21 at about 7.30pm, with a substance which later tested positive for acid. She was reportedly trying to give them change for some items they had bought when they poured the substance on her.
The attackers allegedly told the woman that they were sent by her ex-husband before they fled the area.
She was then rushed to a nearby hospital by people who were around her, from where she was referred to the General Hospital, Ile Epo, for intensive care.
Olatunbosun, who lives on Adetoun Street, Abule-Egba, was arrested by members of Meiran Police Station.
A police source said that Olatubosun initially denied the allegation, but later confessed.
The source said, “He initially denied hiring the thugs. But after a comprehensive interrogation, he confessed, saying the woman had been flaunting her beauty and committing adultery. He is giving us useful information to track the fleeing suspects.”
Olatunbosun was brought before an Ojokoro Magistrate’s Court on two counts of assault.
The charges read, “That you, Ajayi Olatunbosun, 42, and two others now at large, on April 21, 2015, at about 7.30pm on Adejobi Street, Ajasa Command, Lagos, in the Ikeja Magisterial District, did conspire to commit felony to wit: grievous harm and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 409 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011.
“That you, and two others now at large, on the same date, time and place, in the aforementioned magisterial district, did grievously harm one Bamidele Otakiti by pouring liquid acid on her and thereby committed an offence contrary to and punishable under Section 243 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, Nigeria, 2011.”
The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Mrs. O.A. Olayinka, a senior magistrate, admitted him to bail in the sum of N500,000 with two sureties in like sum.
“The sureties must show evidence of means of livelihood to the court for verification,” Olayinka added.
The case has been adjourned to June 25, 2015.
Source: Punch

On 02:30 by Nations Connect   No comments

Unbelievable! This lady claims she saw whatever that is in her pack of Juice and shared photos on instagram. Someone CCed NAFDAC and they have asked the lady to bring the pack to their office so they can investigate. NAFDAC recently shut down Chocolat Royale over expired goods so I guess they are taking these things very seriously now.

On 02:24 by Nations Connect   No comments


There was a ghastly accident about two hours ago at Lekki 6th Roundabout by Mobile. A white Toyota Camry skidded off the road into the roundabout...a large concrete stopped the car just before the billboard. Eyewitnesses say the car was speeding, and narrowly hit another car.

When you continue, you will find pics from the scene. The driver is the one in a green shirt/white inner shirt &blue jeans. He is motionless, the light skinned guy sat at the front and the other guy sat behind with the girl in yellow (pictured above). All the guys are badly injured but the girl is okay. She told people they were coming from a club and she was picked up and doesn't know them. See the pics after the cut - for families who don't even know this happened to their loved ones...

This guy's legs seem to be broken as it is in an odd position. If you look well at the front passenger seat, you'll see a brandy glass and a bottle of drink. LLC has dispatched an ambulance to come get them.